Monday, February 13, 2012

ETech Ohio Conference...reactions

Blogging from the ETech Ohio Conference!

9:00 - Batelle Hall is jam packed with teachers and educational leaders waiting to hear Dr. Michio Kaku discuss education and technology in the next 20 years. He has a long list of credentials and has an excited crowd. Looks to be a great start to the day.

Predictions are difficult to make...
1. Augmented Reality - unlimited virtual information imposed on reality (the Internet will be everywhere, all the time)
2. Intelligent paper, intelligent glass (doctors, lawyers, mechanics in the wallpaper)
3. Classrooms of the future - learning in a holo deck
4. Office of the future - the computer is nothing, the scribble is everything, flexible screens
5. Cars will drive themselves using GPS, radar, and computer chips

To see and hear more from Dr. Michio Kaku, visit

10:45 - Shut up and Teach! Nevin Jenkins
Jenkins focuses on removing The teacher from the front of the room and creating collaborative learning spaces for students.

1 If students don't know something, teach them to find it!
2. Project Based Learning
3. Kahn Academy
4. Show Me (iPad)
5. It's about the conversation!

Great presentation! Jenkins is truly leading the charge to teach 21st century skills in the classroom.

1:00 - Game Design Fundamentals

As an avid gamer and believer that video games can teach 21st century skills, I'm excited for this one!

A good presentation that focused on board game design and the use of board games in the classroom. Discussion of strategy, tactics, and mechanics were primary areas of focus. This was part one of a two part presentation.

Visit for more info.  

2:30 - Why Games?  How Playing Games Can Help Us Be Better Learners

What a fantastic session!  Colleen Macklin, professor at the New School For Design in NYC discussed how using video games in the classroom can improve teaching and learning.  Macklin discussed using games like Portal, Stacking, Katamari, and Minecraft as entry points to hook reluctant learners into making the most of their "game time."

To learn more about Colleen Macklin, click on the link:


Overall, a great day at the ETech conference! I know there is much more to see and learn, but I am only here one day.  A congratulations is in order for Sean Wheeler and the 2.0 team for presenting their Wikiseat project and inspiring teachers across Ohio.