Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is Spaceteam Educational?

The Spaceteam Question…

Spaceteam is a cooperative mobile game that allows small groups of players to work together to pilot a space craft.  At first blush, it seems to be just a fun game that brings friends together.  However, are there broader applications for this game in the classroom? 

I was introduced to Spacteam by several colleagues and took some time out of my busy schedule to play.  What I noticed first is that cooperation and clear communication are at the core of its gameplay.  While many console and mobile games are heavily single player experiences, Spaceteam insists on cooperation and collaboration. 

Additionally, I couldn’t help but wonder if the functions applied in the game are similar to piloting a space craft.  Imagining what an astronaut actually goes through was intriguing and peaked my interest enough to do some quick Google searches.    

But the big question remains: Could I use Spaceteam in my classroom? 

Go play the game and respond in the comments below and let me know.  Enjoy!