It's been a while since my last post, but the new year brings with it much opportunity to forget about the woes of 2011. As a welcome back post to myself and all readers of my blog, I wanted to share my top 5 new year's resolutions for a principal in training.
5. Communicate better with my staff - While I am the chairman of the best English department in the world, I sometimes feel as though I could communicate with them more clearly the initiatives our principal and district leaders are hoping to implement this year.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast - I'm guilty of being one of the first teachers in my school in the morning and one of the last teachers to leave at night. For that reason alone, I just don't eat breakfast. By noon each day, I've hit the wall and feel like a teacher zombie!
3. Effective TBT meetings - As this time of year brings with it semester exams and grades, I want to work in my Teacher Based Team more efficiently and effectively.
2. Common Core - As the 2014 deadline approaches, I want to learn more about the Common Core and help my staff to align our existing curriculum to the new Core Standards.
1. Spend more time with my daughter! - She's the best and growing everyday. While I am a work-a-holic, I want to make sure that my daughter gets all of my attention as she approaches her 2nd birthday.
There you have it! I know these are great resolutions for a principal in training and I know they are achievable. I just hope I don't keep adding to the list!
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